What does shipping cost you?

Shipping costs depend on order weight and destination. They will be calculated during check out. Unless your cart exceeds the amount of US $75! Then you’ll get your order right on your doorstep for free! However free items don’t qualify for free shipping and as we are sourcing our products from multiple vendors around the world, and we want to keep the costs low, packages may arrive in separate units.

Custom fee's

In the unlikely case, that the customs got hold of an item and asking for Fee’s to pay up on the regular price, the customer is liable to cover those occurring Fee’s.

How long will my package take?

United States:  We ship out from multiple international warehouses. Depending on the warehouse, demand and current stock, it usually takes 12-24 Business Days, until you’ll receive your order. It depends on the location and product. Some products may require some handcrafting work in advance, that will delay the shipping by a few days.

Outside United States:  Please allow us a time frame of 18-36 Business Days for shipping the goods to you. Exceptions are countries like South America, where shipping can take up to 58 Business Days.

We apologize for any inconviniences that may occur, as in individual cases, we may run out of stock on products we’ve had plenty of orders on and have to re-order them. Thus, Shipping, though infrequently, can be delayed.